2012 Habilitation on malignant melanoma (prognostic factors and therapeutic options in malignant melanoma) and obtaining teaching qualification and teaching authorization for the field of dermatology and venereology
Since 2010 Head of Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine Charité Berlin, Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venereology
2009 Specialization "Medicamentous Tumor Therapy"
since 2008 Senior Physician University Hospital Charité Berlin Clinic for Dermatology, Allergology and Venereology in Dermatooncology and Aesthetic Medicine
2006 Board Certification "Skin and venereal diseases"
2001 - 2008 Research Associate University Hospital Charité Berlin Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venereology (Prof. Dr. med. W.Sterry)
2001 Doctorate of Johannes Gutenberg University (graduation: magna cum laude - very good)
1994 - 2001 Study of Human Medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University / Mainz, Connell University / New York (graduation: very good)